Shakespeare & Co., 1927 - Samuel Roth, 1929 |
While researching the history of the 1934 Random House edition of Ulysses we had a 1927 Shakespeare and Company edition of Ulysses along with the 1929 Samuel Roth 'Piracy' of that edition unbound and scanned. Presented here in side-by-side format are those scans. Some of the background and results of this work can be found by consulting: Alistair McCleery, William S Brockman and Ian Gunn, 'Fresh Evidence and Further Complications: Correcting the Text of the Random House 1934 Edition of Ulysses', Joyce Studies Annual, 2008, pp 37-77. |
Shakespeare and Company, 1927 — Roth, 1929 — If you want to quickly identify if a 1927 edition is actually a Roth 'piracy' then, apart from 'Jonathan Cape' being misspelt on the 'by the same writer' page, you will find page 189 where - the music is missing - the most obvious difference. Format: pdf |  SH1927-Roth1929 (303Mb zip) |
Finnegans Wake — early texts |
Anna Livia Plurabelle — Crosby Gaige, 1928. Format: pdf |  ALP (11.1Mb pdf) |
Tales Told of Shem and Shaun — The Black Sun Press edition, 1929. Format: pdf |  Tales (11.5Mb pdf) |
Haveth Childers Everywhere — Henry Babou and Jack Kahane / The Fountain Press edition, 1930. Format: pdf |  HCE (10Mb pdf) |
The Mime of Mick, Nick and the Maggies — The Servire Press edition, 1933. Format: pdf |  Mime (20Mb pdf) |
Storiella as She is Syung — Corvinus Press edition, 1937. Format: pdf Without specialist equipment it is difficult to scan this edition as a book without damaging it - so this file concentrates on reproducing the text. The original edition gathering has a number of blank pages at the front and back of the book. |  Storiella (31Mb pdf) |